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Exercises on Plural-Forms which are hard for Germans


Fill in the missing word in the plural. Use the German translation to choose between singular and plural.

If your answer is incorrect, the form will turn dark red. If it is right, it will become part of the text. You can find your score on the right-hand side.

Plural Forms for Designers

Fill in the following words, in their singular or plural form. There are some words which you will have to use more than once:

banner, binder, brochure, card, company, flyer, office, poster, product, roof, shelf

Vocab: ring binder = Ordner

  1. Meine Firma produziert Flyer und andere Printprodukte, wie zum Beispiel Poster, Grußkarten, Visitenkarten und Broschüren.
    My produces and other print , such as , greeting , business , and .
  2. Manchmal kooperieren wir mit anderen Firmen, welche sich auf Banner spezialisiert haben.
    We sometimes cooperate with other which specialise in .
  3. Wir haben viele Regale in unseren Büros, die voller Ordner sind.
    We have lots of in our , which are full of ring .
  4. Neulich habe ich einen neuen Flyer gestaltet.
    The other day, I designed a new .
  5. Es ist einer der besten Flyer, den ich je gestaltet habe.
    It is one of the best I have ever designed.
  6. Ich habe auch ein Banner gestaltet. Es hängt an einem Turm hoch über den Dächern der Stadt.
    I have also designed a . It is flying from a tower high above the of the city.
  7. Alle Designer in unserer Firma sind sehr talentiert.
    All the in our company are very talented.


created with the help of the online Cloze Test Creator © 2009 Lucy Georges

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